Pradeep's Blog


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Enterprise Systems & Failure...

Melbourne’s harbour implemented an Enterprise System, and that failed drastically. The reason for an Enterprise implementation to fail could be attributed to lot of things. Though most people immediately blame the Enterprise system provider, I believe that attributing the failure to them is very unfair.
The most important reason for failure seems to be that most organizations do not know what exactly they want the Enterprise System to do for them. If they themselves are not clear, how could the provider be clear? Most Enterprise System implementations fail because of the clash of the system with the way things were done earlier or clash with the organizations strategy. The business have some kind of pull to the Enterprise system and are so excited about the system. But they must remember that the enterprise that’s important not the system. Companies that have provided more emphasis to the working of the organization rather than to the system itself seem to have a very high rate of success in implementing an enterprise system. Businesses have to understand that though Enterprise system can deliver great rewards they also have inherent equally great risks associated with them.


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